How Much Is Enough?

Imagine I gave you a million dollars right here and now, what will you use it for? How much do you need in life?

Growing up, I used to marvel at that question, dwelling on the surface, but not really understanding the deeper meaning underneath.

“I would take the money and achieve my goals,” I said, never for once stopping to ask myself, what goals I wanted to achieve?

You see, if you take that million dollars right now, you might get caught up in the frenzy of having a million dollars, and not use it for anything of genuine value.

You would squander it on vain things you feel are ‘investments’ and once the money is gone, your brain would automatically say, “I told you so.”

It will then allow regret to hunt you with better ideas you had had before.

Vision gets clear with time. The time that impatience tries to hurry us away from. You might think you are ready, but in the actual sense, you are not too far from making a great mistake.

I don’t think you’re ready for a million dollars right now. Although you want it, I don’t think you can handle having a million dollars, yet!

Life moves in stages, the same way you grow in age, you should grow in Wisdom. There are things you don’t know about the world yet, and so many mysteries lurking around. Knowledge is a never-ending pool. However, I want you to know this.

If you thought being an adult was as easy as, getting money, finding love, making a family, and having fun, I don\’t want to be the one to tell you these ‘simple’ things, like ‘finding love’ involved heartbreaks, healing takes time, and building a future is difficult.

Sometimes love is not enough, you must have laid the bricks of where that love will stay. You must sustain it, to make that home a place to be.

This is the struggle that breaks you sometimes, you want your love too early. Others value success over love and lose the balance mother nature set in place. The 20s is a challenging time, this is where people make mistakes.

It’s a time when you lay the foundation for your 30s, Yet with all these expectations, the 20s is, sometimes, when you don’t even have a clue on what to do.

You need to love yourself the most. Learn from mistakes, choose happiness over worrying, and realize the difference in people’s clocks. The different ticks, and different tocks.

Trust in the passions of your heart, let it act as a tour guide to this Jumanji called life.

You’ll fall, you’ll have some scars, but never you lose hope. Let the words, “one step at a time” console you. Let it be your mantra because if you believe those words, you will be free at last from the pressure.

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