How To Improve Your Networking Skills

a person wearing a red blazer using laptop

You can never underrate the power of strategic positioning. Just being in the right place can open a door of new opportunities for you. likewise meeting the right people, that’s why it is important that the average person should learn on how to improve their networking skill.

The funny thing is, networking can happen anywhere. You should be able to plan ahead and prepare for them. The intentionality counts. You could meet someone at an event, your office, or maybe your role model in the industry that you have been dying to meet for a while.

Your ability to convert a meeting, even if it’s by accident, into an unforgettable experience that glues you permanently in the minds of those you meet. If you’re like me, walking into a room full of strangers might probably be your worse fear. However, no matter how hard you want to think about it, to strike the best deals, and elevate from one level of your career to another, you need people.

There is so much that can be achieved when two similar-minded, forward-thinking individuals network, and grow a bond altogether.

If you plan on hitting the pinnacle of success this year, there’s one effective way you can attain those heights is by connecting with specific individuals. Lucky for you, this post will help you on how to get started.

How To Improve Your Networking Skills

What Is Networking?

if you haven’t figured out completely what the concept called “Networking” is all about, you should be happy you found this post. Feel free to read on, so you can understand what networking is, why it’s crucial for you, and how to go about it.

In its simplest terms, networking is the process of interacting with others (mostly new people), to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. What this means is, networking is not strictly, but mostly, for “WORK”.

The differentiating factor between networking and casually meeting someone new on a night out is your intention. Ultimately, the goal of networking is for professionals to meet, connect, and help each other grow in their careers. 

Why Is Networking Important?

A well-serviced ‘professional’ relationship can open the door to beautiful opportunities. Aside from the great referrals it could bring you, it could also be the only thing you need to land your dream job. Letting more people know what you do, and how you can be of help, is a subtle way of marketing your services, and making new friends along the way.

Don’t just take our word for it, here are some ways Networking can be beneficial to you.

How To Improve Your Networking Skills
Networking can be a subtle way to market your services to new people.

If you’re a shy person like me, there’s no denying of the fact that meeting new people can be hard. There’s so much work to do. Thinking of what to say, and all that. However, if you can be brave, you’ll notice growth in these three areas.


I struggle sometimes in social gatherings. I barely know what to do, or how to act in certain places. When I started networking, I started meeting people who showed me how to act in a crowd. This helped me greatly improve how I acted around people.

Before I improved, meeting new people, who learned from me, as I did them, taught me how to build and service relationships. Networking is about giving value, likewise friendships. Networking isn’t just about taking, it’s also about giving, which makes you a better friend. People are like books, the more you have, the more you learn.


A network of professionals can be great to improve your work. New perspective can come from recruiting fresh connections to your corner. It’s a win-win because you get to stay inspired and motivated by what they do, and unlock your mind to receive new ideas.

Think of the new possibilities like meeting a mentor, or a friend from a company other than yours. As long as you don’t have plans to manipulate or get jealous, networking can be the inspiration you need.

Self-esteem booster:

Networking is great self-esteem booster. Finding people who have similar interests can be a chore. Aside from the difficulty, what truly holds you back is fear. “What if they don’t like me?” How will you ever know, if you don’t try.
Practice confidence by forcing yourself to go to more networking events.

Put yourself out there and speak about what matters to you. Embarking on the journey to develop new relationships helps you foster newfound confidence.

How To Improve Your Networking Skills

Tips To Improve Your Networking Skills.

Have Something To Give:

Value is the key word. Everything boils down to how you can be of help. Remember, unlike making a new friend, networking is about your career and professional development. You must have something to offer. A skill, a proposal, something that is beneficial to the person you want to meet.

Nobody wants connections that always seem to be asking for help without offering any value themselves. The question to ask before you go out is, “How can I be of help to the person I’m planning to meet?”

Develop good communication:

Good and precise communication will play a huge part in your success. You can have all the ideas, but if you lack the ability to communicate, you can limit yourself.
In networking, people are generally willing to help, and ready to listen, you should be able to communicate what you want effectively.

Having a knowledge of different subject matters can help you start and keep conversations going with strangers. That way, you can charm them with your knowledge, and remain memorable.

Master Prospecting:

Starting good conversations is a great skill, but prospecting is the game-changer. The same thing happens in marketing, where you prospect for the best fit for your product, when you network, you should be able to decipher who would be more valuable for you.

If you want to make the most of any networking event, learn to skilfully exit quickly from conversations that aren’t good matches, and when you find good conversations with people who could be the right fit, make sure you sell yourself to be a right fit too.

Be Honest With Your Intentions:

The goal of networking is to earn the trust of both parties through the development of honest, sincere, and mutually beneficial relationships.

Maintain genuine relationships with the other party while staying in touch. This will benefit you both as well as them. Taking a long-term view is more important than living in the moment.

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