4 Practicable steps to Find Your Purpose

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It’s normal to yearn for that deep sense of fulfilment and satisfaction that comes from aligning your actions with a true calling. While the journey of finding your purpose may not be straightforward, it is undoubtedly a pursuit you should take. 

Finding your purpose can sometimes feel like a daunting task, but that’s because most times, you don’t know how to go about it. We made this blog post for people like you. Here are 4 steps that can guide you on the path of discovering your purpose in life. 

4 practicable steps to Discover Your Purpose
Why You Need To Discover Purpose?

Before diving right into the steps you’ll need to find your purpose, you need to know is to basics. Finding your purpose becomes easier when you realise that purpose is just a fancy word for ‘why’.

Although it might sound like crap talk, it’s more important than you may think. Knowing your purpose can guide life decisions, influence behaviour, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning.

For some people, the purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends. Your purpose in life is as unique to you as your fingerprint, it is your reason for being. 

That’s why, ideally, your purpose blends with what interests you and brings you joy. In Japan, this idea is known as ikigai, the concept of following your joy. Some find their purpose through work, others through being there for family, or even spending time alone to study their experiences and the patterns in their lives.
Discovering your purpose is a big step. It’s like finding a compass to navigate life with, and the good news is, everyone has one. So here are 4 practicable steps to help you find yours.

4 practicable steps to Discover Your Purpose
4 Tips That Can Help You Find Your Purpose

Reflect on your passion and interests:

The first step in uncovering your passion and purpose is introspection. Be intentional about taking time to reflect on your core values and interests. What brings you joy?
What activities make you lose track of time? Consider your strengths, talents, and skills. Identifying the areas that ignite your enthusiasm can provide valuable insights into the direction you should pursue.

Make curiosity your best friend:

Purpose often reveals itself through exploration. Be open to new experiences and venture beyond your comfort zone. Attend workshops, seminars, or engage in hobbies that intrigue you.
As you do this, don’t forget to journal. Take mental or written notes of everything you discover about yourself as you go, embrace curiosity and allow yourself to be guided by your innate sense of wonder. Every new experience has the potential to unearth hidden passions and talents.

4 practicable steps to Discover Your Purpose

Listen To Your Gut:

Sometimes, your purpose may not fit neatly into societal norms or expectations. You have to trust your intuition and follow your inner voice.
It is essential to align your life with what truly resonates with your soul, even if it means taking a path that might seem strange at first. Trusting your intuition can lead to discovering a unique purpose that only you can fulfil.

Let Selflessness Lead:

Every great person lives by a mantra. A mantra that stems from everything they have discovered about themselves. If you want to live a legacy, discovering your ‘why’ (purpose) will help you live a life of meaning because sometimes, your purpose benefits others more than it does you.

Seeking opportunities that allow you to give back and contribute to something greater than yourself is a great way to go. Explore causes or issues that resonate deeply with you.
Engage in volunteer work or join organisations that align with the values you’ve discovered using the first step.
By seeking meaning and actively working to make a difference, you will inevitably discover your purpose.

Finding your passion and purpose in life is a deeply personal and transformative journey. It can be slow, but you shouldn’t give up.

Stay open to new possibilities and allow yourself the freedom to grow. Embrace the adventure, and trust that your passion and purpose will guide you toward a life of fulfilment and joy.
We want to make this journey easier for you. If you have questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section below and you will get a reply.


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