3 Ways To Be Outspoken As An Introvert

african american female sitting inside cardboard box with laptop

As an introvert, one of the challenges you face is communication. Or at least, that’s what everybody thinks.

The truth is, most times, you are the better communicator. However, unlike the others, you only speak when necessary because let’s face it, communication can be a drag.

Especially when the only person you enjoy talking to is you. 

For introverts, effective communication isn’t always the problem, social anxiety is. That’s why we made this blog post.

If you’re an introvert battling social anxiety, we have three solid points that can help you become more outspoken.

3 Ways To Be Outspoken As An Introvert
3 Tips You Can Use To Be Outspoken As An Introvert

Don’t try to be everybody else:
You’re an introvert. Embrace your introverted nature. Recognise that being introverted doesn’t mean you lack social skills or that there’s something wrong with you.
Introverts tend to thrive in more intimate settings, rather than regretting why you aren’t extroverted, be confident in your authenticity. You’ll know why when you check out point 2.

Stop overthinking before you speak:
One of the reasons you seem shy as an introvert is that you tend to overthink things. This can be a good thing and also a great hindrance to why you don’t speak up as much as you would like.

Extroverts hardly experience this problem because they work more with expression, and exchange first, before refining their thoughts as they go. 

My advice for you will be to realize that you are already good with words. You are a keen observer and an exquisite listener so chances are, you are overthinking again.

The next time you have something to say, say it.

Trust your instinct, and stop waiting for a perfect time because perfection is a scam. Waiting for it is just an excuse fear feeds you with so you’ll continue to keep shut even when you have something valuable to say.

3 Ways To Be Outspoken As An Introvert

Imagine every gathering as a One-on-One Interaction:
Introverts generally thrive in smaller, more intimate settings.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by large social gatherings, you can start by imagining every interaction as a one-on-one conversation.

Anytime you want to speak, focus on who is speaking. Try to imagine it’s just you two, and there is no other person around. This mental exercise will give you more space to express yourself comfortably.

As an introvert, you need to understand that assertiveness and being outspoken are essential life skills. Not only is it important in your career, but also in life generally. The ability to share your brilliance with the world is what stirs change.

You can’t keep bottling up everything you want to say because you ‘feel shy.’ You can navigate social situations with confidence and overcome social anxiety.

Just like Emeli Sande said in her song (Read all about it), ‘You have the words to change a nation so why let your voice be tamed.’

Just keep practicing and you’ll see yourself getting better. There’s nothing to be scared of, It’s not like you’ll morph into an extrovert overnight. Have you been in this pickle before?

How did you become outspoken? Tell us in the comments below.


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